JS tidbit: Never be confused about integer Array access with increments again.
Confusing title I know, naming stuff is hard...
I'll keep this short. Ever seen a code snippet where an integer variable was initialized and used to access an array like this:
const funArray = ['This', 'should', 'be', 'fun']
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
console.log({a:funArray[i++]}) //what would this be?
console.log({b:funArray[++i]})// how about this, hazard a guess?
console.log({c:funArray[++j]})// this one nko?
It can sometimes get confusing, but here's what you should always remember:
If the
is after the integer variable in such a situation, the variable is incremented AFTER its initial value has been used to access the Array.If the
is before the integer variable, the variable is incremented first before being used to access the Array.
//The answers! Hope you got them right!
const funArray = ['This', 'should', 'be', 'fun']
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
// ans: {a:'This'}
// ans: {b:'be'}
//remember i has been incremented to 1, this increments it again to 2 // before funArray is accessed making it funArray[2]
//ans: {c: 'should'}
C'est fini 🤌🏽✨